Thursday, November 22, 2007

Spending The Thanksgiving Holiday Without My Mom & Brother!

This Thanksgiving Holiday will be a little different than normal. Because my mother and brother will be spending this holiday in Phoenix, AZ. They are there with other family members enjoying the holiday season. My mother only had two children, which makes my immediate family very small. I was reared most of my life without a father or a male presence in the home. Therefore, for most of my life it has only been my mother, brother and myself. Which means that I have gotten used to spending most if not all holidays with them. I'm sure they will have a great day there in Phoenix with my other extended family. Over the last 5 years more than half of my extended family have moved there. I have an aunt, uncle and many many cousins who now call Phoenix home. I also have my step-grandfather there. I'm told that the dinner will be at his home. I plan to spend the day with someone special as well as visit family members here in LA/Pasadena. Again, I wish the best for my blog readers on this holiday. Share alot of love and remember, do not eat too much! Happy Thanksgiving....

F. Demond