Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Difference of Miracles & Blessings

After a recent service at our church, I was in a conversation with an individual regarding the difference between Miralcle and Blessings. One of our church staff ministers, Minister Audrey Green was one of the two individuals that I was speaking with. I had an impromptu thought to ask her to write something from a biblical perspective on this interesting subject. I asked her to have it for me by our mid-week worship on Tuesday. To my surprise, she emailed it to me on Monday afternoon. I think it's concise and clear. I just wanted to share her perspective with you:
by: Minister Audrey Green

What is the difference between miracles and blessings? My Pastor presented this question to me on a bright warm Sunday afternoon. I think he was checking for understanding rather than clarity. I began to search the scriptures for an understanding. This is the result of my seeking. The American Heritage Dictionary defines blessings as to invoke divine favor upon or to confer well-being or prosperity and to endow. They also define miracles as an event inexplicable by the laws of nature and so held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God. I found those definitions to be rather peculiar. To state that God has anything to do with the academia aspect of the word miracle leaves fathoms of unanswered questions.
I then decided to see what Vine’s had to say about the two words. I chose to use the noun tense of the word blessing in for the Old Testament. In Hebrew the word blessing means berakah, which used in conjunction with the verb barak expressing a wish or pray for favorable circumstance. According to Genesis 12:2, this form of the word is used when God told Abram he would make him a great nation along with a great name. We can also look at Jacob in Genesis 49. He called all his children to come before to give them a "pray for favor." We also see that blessings are the opposites of curses. Number 23 deals exactly with this viewpoint. Balaam was summoned by Balak to curse Israel. Every time, Balaam would seek God’s face, Balaam was blessing them instead. When you read Numbers 23: 8 it’s simply stated, how can we curse, whom God has not cursed?
God has the authority and ability to let his blessings be upon his people. What I find a difference is that, even through God can let his blessings be upon his people, I believe that God let’s people be a blessing to others. Referring back to Genesis 12:2, Abram is a blessing to us. He is the father of all nations.
Then what is a miracle? I agree with the definition that the American Heritage dictionary gives, an act of supernatural power only God can do. That’s the best way I can give my viewpoint. According to Vine’s a miracle is dealing with power, inherent ability that cannot be produced by natural agents. In the Greek it means semeion, which is a sign, mark or token. Let’s discuss miracles. If you look at Matthew 8 to 9:8, you se Jesus doing miracles. When he healed the leper, he stretched forth his hand and said, "I will." What natural force or component did he use? What about the devils casted out of the two men? He only said, "Go!" I believe the difference between miracles and blessings are simple. Blessing is something that usually can be done by natural force. Whereas, miracles are produced by supernatural powers.