Can you believe it? Only two days left in this year of our Lord 2007. It seems like always that we have just begun the year and it's already gone. Where did it go? How did the days go by so fast? The old proverb says that the older one get, the faster the days go by. I have lived to see this as a true statement. Personally, it has been a good year of transition. Notice I said good. Most times transition is not good, but it's according to how you really look at it. I am sitting here reminicing as I type about the months in the recent past. WOW! At certain points of the year, life looked really dark and dim. I am completely thankful for the strength, direction and love of God to take care of me and protect me during times like these. I truly have the greatest testimony from the things that God brought me through this calendar year. I'm trusting God to do something so radical and can I say "stupid" in 08', that I can't wait for it to get here. Let us draw closer to God and be thankful everyday for His continued goodness and mercy toward us. Have a prayerful assessment of your life and ask God to perform a Psalms 139 surgery on your life. Be blessed in the new year and I pray that God's peace and favor be with you all until Christ return. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
F. Demond