It seems that most of my friends and associates is going through some tough storm in their life right now. How interesting. We know that most of the storms is a direct attack of the enemy. The word declares that the enemy is our adversary, but we have the power to resist him. I want to encourage each of you to consistently pray and maybe even fast. God's power and protection will keep us through anything. No weapon that is formed against us will prosper according to the promise. Keep your head up and keep your focus. Dont spend too much time looking at the storm, focus on the storm stopper, Jesus the Christ. As saints, we must always remember two things about God: 1) He always knows where you're at and 2) He always knows what we are going. The master promise is found in Joshua 1:5 - He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Be encouraged in the strength of our Lord! Ephesians 6:10.
F. Demond