This year as most churches, the New Corinthian Baptist Church of Pasadena will observe the advent season affectionately called "Christmas". It's so interesting that I have to say this, one would think that all Christian churches will honor this observance but this is not true. I discovered this week via the internet that only 66% of Christian churched actually celebrate the birth of Christ. There has been a theological argument for years regarding this subject. According to the Jewish calendar, Christ was born in the spring around March or April. I have not researched this to be true, however this is the foundation in which the other churches do not celebrate along with the rest of the world. They feel that Christ was not even born in December, thus why celebrate. Well my opinion is that whenever He was born does not really matter. The fact that He was born of a virgin to redeem man back to our God is enough for me. I really would not care what month He was born in, I'm just glad He was. In order for Him to experience the Calvary cross, there had to be a birth in Bethlehem. So basically, it's because of his birth that we have the priviledge of celebrating a resurrection during the Easter season. Nationally, Easter is a larger Christian holiday, however, that holiday would not be possible without the current season that we are celebrating. His birth was an awesome expression of love, sacrifice and commitment to man. Therefore, let us love with the love of our Lord everyone not just now, but everyday. Remember the greatest commandment: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all of your heart, mind and soul AND love thy neighbor as thyself. Also, remember to love on yourself, because it begins with God, then self, then others. Merry Christmas!
He is the reason 4 all season,
F. Demond & New Corinthian B.C. of Pasadena