Isn't it interesting that the older you get the faster time flys by us. I remember a few years ago that 12 months was exactly that, 12 months. It seemed that my birthday was so far away from eachohter and Christmas was like living an eternity before another would come and so on. It now seems that I'm living the very opposite. It feels like years pass 6 months at a time. We are now approaching another New Year while it seems that we just moved from the celebration of New Years 07. This says alot to me and has forced me to think being grateful for the time that our God has allotted me here on earth. It also says to me to make very good use of the time he is blessing me with. My concept of disbursement as it relates to our time is 1)GOD 2)FAMILY 3)MINISTRY. What kind of steward are you of the time that your life is graced with? How much of your time do you give back to God? These are questions to ponder. Finally, this thought has provoked me to think about that in a matter of time, Jesus will come back for us. Make sure that you use this time to know Him and serve Him. Be Blessed, I gotta go........
F. Demond