Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Ridiculous Request?

I just wanted to share with my blog readers an interesting blog from a friend of mine named Evangelist Maureen Chen from Toronto, Canada. She often share blogs that encourage me and make me think everyday. She is also a contributing writer for "This Week's Promise", which is published in (WOW) Woman of Worship Magazine. I'm appreciative to her expressions which provides another form of ministry for her. I also encourage my blog readers to support her ministry. Her ministry information is listed below. Please be blessed and enjoy.
Joshua 10:12 - On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: "Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon."

In this past Tuesday night Bible study, we read this scripture passage among others but this one left me in total awe of just how big our God is. I won't go into the background of the request because it won't be relevant to you or me today. What we see here is Joshua making a request that to us may seem impossible. How can God cause the sun to stand still? That's an incredibly tall order. Consider this, the sun does not move, therefore in order the sun to "stand still", God had to stop the earth from moving. In order to stop the earth from moving, God had to take care of quite a few details. The rivers that to stop running, the waves had settle down, climate had to cease briefly, I could go on and on. Basically there were several details that had to be taken care of.

Let's make this relevant to our battles. What types of circumstance are you facing that need a ridiculous request from God? Is it the type that you know there is absolutely no way that you can fix it on your own? Or could it be the type that you think God Himself cannot handle? Look again at the scripture reference above. Joshua was facing the battle of his life in unfamiliar territory. He needed the extra sunlight so instead of complaining, worrying or even giving in; he contacted his God, the God of Israel.

God is waiting for us to approach Him with the BIG ones; the type of requests where we will know without a shadow of a doubt that He came through for us. Three years ago, my prayer partner was told that his nephew was given one week to live because cancer had spread through his entire body. He called me and we prayed because that was a BIG one. That was a "God we need you to stop the earth from moving and take care of all the details" request. Three years later and this young man who was given one week to live is still alive. God is still answering the BIG ones and He's waiting patiently for us to trust Him to answer those ridiculous requests.

I felt lead to share this and I hope it blesses and encourages someone today.
Evangelist Maureen

Maureen Chen Ministries Inc. *
*She is available for conferences, revivals, seminars and retreats!