The word of God is the most interesting book in print or ever written. Im so glad that I was born into a culture that taught me the importance of learning and practicing its concepts. When we think that there are certain places in the world that have never been exposed to these great teachings, its a disgrace and a lost life-changing opportunity. There are certain countries in which reading this special book would bring about a death sentence for that seeker.
The Bible (Biblical Instructions Before Leaving Earth) was written by men but completely inspired by God. It is full of instruction, comfort, history, poetry, prophecy, revelation, biblical heroes, exhortations, knowledge etc... However, the greatest danger for men is to have this blueprint for life and not study it enoough to find God's direction for life. Though it is translated into over 365 languages, it is the most forsaken, under-read book in print. Man has refused to study and examine its content. The bible declares that we perish for lack of knowledge and it begans with our lack of getting wisdom and knowledge from His word.
Solomon, a great hero of the bible was one who sought wisdom from God and therefore he accomplished much during his lifetime. Knowledge for the 21st century believer must be sought in God's word. Living in this day, we must result to the jargon of the "old preacher" who suggests as an preaching indium "read it for yourself". And this we must do. Clarity is better understood with self-knowledge. When we read and understand the word, then it can become a lifestyle for us.
Challenge yourself to take more time reading, meditating and studying God's word. A chapter or two in the morning and repeat it at night will be a good start. The more we read and know about the word, the more intimate we become with God. His word is on of His favorite communication tools for the believer. Could it be that we have been seeking answer through prayer or praise only to discover that He wants to speak to us through His word? Just a few scattered thoughts concerning my love for His word.....
F. Demond